Taking some time to work at home? This is a great opportunity to practice design psychology and create your space to support you during this time. Perhaps you have an office already set up and ready for you or maybe you will be working from the kitchen, either way, there are small things we can do to set up our space and ourselves for success. Each person works differently and thrives in their own unique environment. For myself, I do my best work in a clean, tidy and peaceful environment. My …
Embrace Your Space: 5 tips for accepting your home and your life as it is
Acceptance: be in the embrace of what is without resistance. As a designer and therapist it is literally my job to keep things, spaces and people moving forward. Inspired, lively, full of life; both with the people I work with and the spaces I design. However sometimes, some things, and most certainly all people, don’t need to be fixed. Sometimes, most times, nothing is even broken. Yet we race to solve the problem, come up with a solution, to FIX IT. This chase can be exhausting and …
Consider the Connection: why your space might be keeping you stuck
It was very early on in my life when I became curious about why as humans, we do what we do. Of course, as a child I didn’t know what I was asking but I was definitely paying attention. What drives us? Why do we make the choices we make? Why do we like some things but not others? Some people but not others? Why are we happier on vacation or during holidays? Why do we crave certain items or luxuries? Why do we thrive in some job places but not others? Why do we feel safe at home but not out …