It’s that time… September is here and although things look different this year, we are headed back into school season. This change of pace can bring with it a lot of stress, anxiety and worry especially this year. So, beyond what we need to do for the kids, we also need to take really good care of ourselves. Mom, partner, housekeeper, and now school teacher –with so much on our plates, it will be easy to put ourselves at the bottom of the to-do list. And we know when we don’t take care of ourselves, we quickly run out of energy to give to others.
Here are 3 ways we can start to give ourselves a break and set us (and them!) up for success.
Manage your expectations
It’s common to want to do it all and complete the never-ending to-do list each day. This is not realistic nor obtainable and when we go into the day thinking we will get it all done, we set ourselves up for failure. And when we feel like we’ve failed, no one gets the best of us. Finding ways to manage expectations will allow us to set ourselves up for success and not be disappointed and hard on ourselves when things don’t get done. Remember, you’re a human BEING, not a human DOING. Being busy and stressed is not a status symbol we want to admire. Pick the 3 most essential tasks that day and do those. Some stuff can wait.
Deposit energy into the account
Just as our bank accounts fluctuate, so does our energy. Some days we have more, others less. To maintain our full lives and schedules, we need as much energy in the bank as possible. An abundance of energy comes from taking care of ourselves and making deposits into our energy account. Finding time for self-care is non-negotiable if we want to offer the best of ourselves to others. Just like showering or brushing our teeth, finding ways to invest in our health and ourselves is essential and cannot be forgotten about or pushed to the bottom of the list. And teaching our children self-respect and self-love is one of the biggest and most valuable life skills we can teach them. They are watching everything you do, including how you treat and speak to yourself.
Accept your strengths and support your weaknesses
We are not going to be good at everything and when we embrace that and get clear on where we thrive and where we don’t, we can start to use those to our advantage. You may be a wizard at math but can’t stand biology. So, when doing school work with the kids, maybe you take math class and your partner or a tutor takes the others. Maybe technology is not your strong suit so instead of berating yourself for not being able to get the document to print, find a work around that promotes creativity and problem-solving. We don’t have to do everything the same as everyone else and we aren’t going to be skilled at it all so no comparisons allowed. Need a break from the online learning? There are plenty of things we can teach our kids during the day that aren’t part of the online curriculum. Preparing food, maintaining the home, managing money, and self-care (meditation, journaling, gratitude practices) are all life skills that are essential for our kiddos. Involve them in these self-care activities and teach them how to care for themselves and their space. This is a buy-one get-one free because not only are you teaching them valuable skills, you are also taking care of yourself. Work smarter, not harder!
Think outside the box and play to your own rules that support your life and energy, not take away from it. Yes, we have responsibilities that must be taken care of but how we do them, is the important part. Things will get done and we can do it in a way that keeps our stress levels low and our self-love high. Focusing on our being vs. our doing keeps us happier and more aligned.
This season may be a full one for you but you got this Mama, just take care of yourself through the process. Both you and your family will be better for it.
Live well,